Turn the tide by taking the drivers seat of your company's PR, Brand, and Communications.
You know by know that there is no such thing as a magic wand.
So why hand your brand's public affairs over to someone else when you can set the tone, timing, and strategy — and do so on your terms?
PR-101 is a no-stone-unturned, comprehensive, experiential approach to putting you front and center in driving PR forward for your business and brand.
Public Relations
The practice of raising your profile and getting people excited and in the know and drive influence around your business, brand, and call to action. ​
This four session program will equip you to:
Communicate your mission, vision, values — and call to acgtion — with the Media with confidence and control.
Navigate and drive proactive PR and Communications Strategies that are best suited for your business needs.
Stand out and create buzz around your business and brand for the right reasons.
What We Deliver
A comprehensive PR strategy that includes message development, talking points, and four (4) PR-driven campaigns.
The tools, training, and experience you need to be prepared for increased visibility and media.
A roadmap to strategically raise your profile in a way that makes sense for YOUR personal and professional goals.
A customized strategy that considers your time, your bandwidth and your interests AND saves you time, money, and future headaches.
How We Deliver It
Comprehensive Custom, Low Maintenance Personal Brand Strategy.
20 + 3 + 10
Creative Directed Editorial Photoshoot (20 images) + Video Production (3 Videos) + Social Media Design Templates (10)
Media Training, Message Development, Implementation Strategy with Tamara.
Local Black Car Transportation, Hair & Makeup. Access to Personal Brand in a Box Client Network.
Why this approach?
This methodology leaves no stone unturned.
You drive, we build.
Meet Tamara
Tamara Edwards is a seasoned PR pro — having servedand is dedicated to empowering national leaders to tell their stories, sharpen their voices, and earn the trust of their audiences. Tamara has received local and national recognition for her work. She was chosen to speak at TEDx Congress, named a 2018 30 Under 30 Publicist in Chicago, recognized as a 'Women Who Shines' in a local Chicago blog in 2019, and featured as a 'Person to Know' in Voyage Magazine.
She brings her extensive personal and professional network and love for communications into every project she undertakes.